Thursday, January 15, 2009

Online Resources for Joyce's Ulysses

I'll move some of these links to the sidebar as we get going. Feel free to add your own in the comments and I'll include the most useful ones.

Ulysses on Project Gutenberg contains free text and audio books.

On Bibliomania, you can find the text as well as notes.

Wikipedia links for James Joyce, his novel Ulysses, and Bloomsday.

Random links:
Ulysses the Blog! another group that took on the challenge. Fun to poke around, but I wanted to read along with a group in real time, and I had a different idea of how I wanted the multi-author blog to be structured.

Showing Joyce's influence at The Modern Word and Freebase.


  1. This online version has the 18 chapter breaks. Thanks Johnny!

  2. From Johnny's post:

    Spark Notes

    There's also this online annotated version of the book, which I've been reading when I'm at my computer:

    Annotated version

    It seems kind of plain and janky--and the multi-colored text make is seem like a crazy person's website about mind control rays--but it's actually really well done and fascinating. The two-letter links aren't actually links...they're annotations; instead of clicking on them, hover your cursor over them and they'll give a bit of background to the word. Also, hover over the line numbers and it'll give you a short summary of the last ten lines.

    Also helpful: it looks like a Microsoft Word document, so it's perfect for reading Joyce at the Office.

  3. From Zach's post:
    There's a super stiff Ulysses film
    on YouTube. This first section is interesting to watch. I think the actors are about 35.

  4. Another abandoned Ulysses blog: Reading Ulysses for the First Time

    I will finish this, by Jove. But Stephen's thoughts are so very tiresome.

  5. I feel like I got everything this book has to offer after about a hundred pages. Since the scene at the newspaper office its been a chore to read. Normally, if I'm not enjoying a book I stop reading it and don't worry about it anymore. But, I'm going to finished Ulysses. I'm not going to be defeated by a book as jackass as this one.

  6. Here's a free audiobook version of the book:

    If you read through the comments, there are a few other versions available as well. Look at the last comment.

  7. Whoops, I thought it automatically made links clickable. Let's try that again: MetaFilter thread.

  8. Another clearing house resource at online-literature

    H. G. Wells was moved to decry James Joyce's "cloacal obsession."

  9. We're just starting a reading collective to begin tackling Ulysses on Bloomsday this year (June 16th). We'd appreciate any guidance or participation. Check us out here...

  10. Cool blog. Ultimately we had a tough time keeping everyone reading together though I think a compressed schedule may work in your favor. I'll drop by, thanks for letting us know!

  11. I wish I'd seen these when I was reading the first time:

    Gilbert schema
    Linati schema

    Joyce Images illustrating Ulysses through period images.
